NW Dallas APA 2022 Open

Fall Singles Board Qualifiers

APA 8 Ball Classic & 9 Ball Shootout 

The APA 8-Ball Classic
The following dates are open now for skill level specific Local 8 Ball Classic Singles Qualifiers!
 Nov. 12 8 Ball 6 - 7 TBD
 Nov. 19 8 Ball (splash) 4 - 5 Wizards
 Nov. 21 (Mon)8 Ball2 - 3Wizards
The following dates are open now for skill level specific Local 9 Ball Shootout Singles Qualifiers!
 The APA 9-Ball Shootout
 Nov. 5 9 Ball 1 - 4Wizards 1pm
 Nov. 5 9 Ball 5 - 9Wizards 1pm
 Nov. 26 If needed TBD TBD
Click on the date you would like to sign up for and fill out the form.  PLEASE pay attention to the Skill Level requirement!  There will be a $20 NON-REFUNABLE deposit required to hold your spot.  Depending on the final entry fee, you may owe the balance on the date you play.  For example, the November 19th SPLASH board (limited to the first 16 people that sign up) will require an additional $30 on the day you play.  Please see the Singles Qualifier Page for more information on entry fees.
If ANYONE wants to run a board at ANY time, simply contact the League Office at 214-281-6650 or email nwdallasapa@gmail.com
If you were in the TOP 3 of your MVP list from the Summer 2022 Session, NW Dallas County APA will pay $20 of your entry fee.  We will still require you put down a $20 deposit for your spot to be held.  If your final fee is less than $40, the League Office will refund the difference the day you show up to play.  Please note that the deposit is still Non-Refundable if you do not show up for the board.* 
*Any excess fees over the final cost of the boards that we may have will be deposited into the PLAYERS FUND.